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Getting Over an Ex

The universal truth behind the end of most relationships is this: the relationship may have been hard, but the breakup is even more difficult.

ArabLounge Magazine > Dating & Relationships| February 09, 2021

No matter why you broke up, both people tend to nurture feelings of regret, failure and hurt that can take quite some time to get over. For Arab singles, there are unique ways to try to get over this person and to move on with your life. For many, a relationship has meant a lot of work and effort, sometimes towards a potential marriage, and when something that promising ends, it causes a lot of heartbreak. Throwing yourself into your work, spending more quality time with your family, and hanging out with friends are pretty universal.

Here are some specific activities that might help the healing from a breakup move a lot faster:

Spend time making food with your family

When mom is making her famous hummus, or when having guests over, get your hands dirty and join the cooks in the kitchen. It's surprisingly therapeutic to be with the family and to make a meal you know your loved ones will enjoy. It's remarkable how cooking can make you forget everything else except that pan right in front of you. The constant tasting, adding, mixing and chopping really helps to alleviate the mood and get your mind off things. Of course, it's a great way to learn a new skill, help out your family, and finally spend more time with them, something that may have been pushed aside when you were in your relationship.

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Go Hookah with friends

It's relaxing, sure. But the best part of going to a lounge and smoking the flavored tobacco is the company. You don't even need to be a smoker to go out. Just enjoy spending some time with these people. Order some food and unwind with your friends. The relaxing atmosphere, music and the conversation are what you really need now. Get a group of friends together and make it a night out on the town. Your friends are the one who keep you sane, and are a great way to help you see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Throw yourself into something

Whether it be your latest hobby, work, or school, make sure you're busy and immersed with something. Volunteering at the local mosque, church or temple is a great way to spend time doing something good for yourself and your community. When you feel good about the work you're doing, you feel better about yourself, an important aspect of being able to move on, since self-esteem can take such a nosedive at the end of a relationship.

Put away remnants of the relationship

This means putting those cards, presents, ticket stubs, pictures and whatever else you had as keepsakes from the relationship, away and out of sight. Throwing them away is an option, but you don't need to do anything that drastic. As long as these little reminders of your past are still lurking around you everywhere, it's hard to get something like that off your mind and really move on. Let go of all those things and remember you don't need them in your life—it's only a lot of clutter you're getting rid of.

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