To tell the complete truth, no matter the consequences, and without fear, and I greatly appreciate mutual respect that expresses itself in real behavior, not fake respect hidden behind deception. Nothing kills a relationship faster than dealing with arrogance or indifference. This should kill the relationship between the two pillars. In fact, interest is what revives the relationship, and we should appreciate each other and take care of each other daily. I appreciate the woman who enjoys femininity, delicate feelings, and penetrating looks. Whoever the woman I dream of is, she is the one who enjoys femininity, feelings, initiative, and is confident in herself, and runs her own kingdom and lives in harmony with her lover. When the kingdom of love opens up, followed by trust and self-denial in the face of difficulties and sacrifice.. Love is harmony, getting closer with looks, discussing things we care about smoothly and not too seriously, so that we can laugh and have fun with kisses.