I’m retired but still working to stay busy, traveling at every opportunity. I grew up with 7 older sisters, which taught me plenty about how to (and not to), treat a woman. I’m old school. Yes, I like to provide/protect and pamper my queen. Communication is so important. It seems so many problems arise when people are just not listening to each other, even when they actually are in agreement! We can do better. I am high energy, enjoy being active, doing something new/exciting and then unwinding with some veg time. At heart, I’m an intellectual that will go out of my way to address an injustice. That desire has stayed in my center throughout my life and career. I don’t make judgments without due diligence and learn from healthy sparring with others. Respect is a mutual and pivotal part of my growth. I’m empathetic to a fault, tenacious beyond reason. Lastly, I’m Christian. I harbor no ill will toward any other faith/religion but feel it necessary to point it out because I am not interested in being unequally yoked.