Assalamu alaikum!! Thank you for viewing my message. Feel free to ask. I would appreciate if you let me speak to your family, guardian, wali from early on. I was born in Pakistan, to father of Indian decent, but was raised in UAE/Pakistan. I am naturalized Australian since 2017 and currently live in Sydney, Australia. Indeed, it is difficult to describe your own self since parts of your own self will take over each other. I am a bread winner for my small family of brother and his wife with 3 kids. My parents passed away. I work as an I.T. professional. I was married to this Indonesian sister. Sadly, we had to separate respectfully since it eventually became harder to continue living separate for reasons out of our control. Our deen is my guidance in my daily life and I still have my life and all it offers to share with you. Patience and trust in Allah is what I draw my strength from. It is more important to be kind than to be right is what I live by. Many prayers and well wishes for your happiness in this life and success in hereafter. Looking forward to our respectful conversation, in sha Allah. Ma'asalama, Shahzad.