well educated, and cultivated,classy, good looking, i been several times complemented on my look and attitudes, family oriented,living with our just and good values, brutally honest, but still diplomatic, funny, shy a little bit, real lady, and take pride it doesn't require from me any effort, because it's my way of life,involved in my society, as volunteer, the point of life for me to make some change, around us, even a small one, i have 2 grown and great kids, they are in university and college, they mean the whole world for me, i love to meet some man good looking, caring, i prefer muslim, just because of values and culture, also, i'm a strong believer in God, atheist, no way, this man should be, responsible, educated, cultivated,good listener,and eloquent fanny,with whom i can have a rich conversation,and a good life, please not drama,the life is so short to waist it in negative.Please atheists,& married men& younger than me& profiles no pictures stay away.