I am a well educated who is sincere, humble and down to earth ,I love traveling and experiencing new places , I would love to meet someone who has strong connection to family ,kind , patient , good herted,generous ,funny , intelligent and very easy individual who has a good sense of humor . I believe chemistry and communication are very important they are key to a successful marriage thanks good luck ابحث عن شخص منفتح ( open mind) يتقبل افكار غيره ومنفتح للحوار ولأي مذهب ديني او اختلافات الحق عن رجل يحب الحياه والضحك والسفر احيانا ويعرف كيف يعيش الحياه بحب مع الاخرين ، الحياه بلا حب لا معنى لها برايي. ربنا يوفق الجميع