I enjoy being active, healthy and trying to say fit. FaMily and friends Are impoRtanT to me as well. Basically I love life and I love living life. I enjoy the outdoors, traveling, restaurants, laughing, goIng to cultural events, and sociaLizing with quality peOple. Its just better liVing and sharing lifE with someone else :) If you’d like to know more Say “hi”. I didn’t reveAl a lot about my Self for you to read on purpose. Rather we chat, talk, engage in conversation to get to know each other instead of us reading. I’m currently working with a Media, Sports and Arts firm . I like my job, and I’m good at it–though it’s not what I want to be doing five years from now…. When I’m not working, luxuriating in music and solitude with my Kindle or out with friends and family