Meet Maher274 , someone who gets mysertious, challenging, and magically sIMple, we're brought to this life without a choice, so why don't we enjoy the ride? 'cause that's what I do everyday! Everyone... is looking for something " THE BEST"; but what exactly your eyes are focused on? Are you searching for the right confident person, or for the one who will be licking your foot steps, buy you flowers and fail to make you feel like a woman, you always desired to be? Part of me is the fun-loving person, another is the risk-taking one who enjoys the wind of life and the last part is the mysterious seducer whale inside of me, that you will need to bring to the surface. I looooove my social circle, very interesting people, I meet new friends on regular basis, but I can't seem to find the qualities I am looking for, for one is sharing the same back ground as mine. So if you consider yourself adventerous, a loving human butterfly, the valley has more flowers than you ever IMagined, so