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Never Married
Newark, Delaware
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In their own words

Just when you least expect it, just what you least expect.

"If everything around you seems dark, look again: you may be the light." -Jalaiuddin Rumi Background: - First generation, son of immigrants - New England born and bred Work: - Developing mathematical simulations and models. - Coding in Python, MATLAB and C++ Mental: - Seeker of knowledge and wisdom - Cosmology, Physics, Economics, Social Issues - Anything "esoteric" - Books, poetry, music, and art Physical: - Can do more than 10 chin-ups - Could carry you up a flight of stairs - Generates 3,000 BTUs of thermal energy; great for Winter snuggles, not so great for Summer Emotional: - 60% wholesome, 80% mischievous. ;) - Loves to dote - Respectable EQ Priorities - Meeting a great lady who’ll become his wife and have a family - Becoming more spiritually and emotionally balanced - Being healthier overall

Best Feature
Bald / Shaved
5' 10"   (178 cm)
Family Roots
My Lifestyle
Has Kids
Wants Kids
Master's Degree
Technical Science / Engineering
I'll tell you later
Some Other Viewpoint
What languages do you speak?
English, Other
Favorite Music
Acoustic, Alternative, Classical, Middle Eastern / Persian / Arabic, Classic Rock, Progressive Rock, Hard Rock / Metal, Punk, Rock & Roll, Country, Dance / Electronica / House, Folk, Reggae
Favorite Actors
Dennis Hopper, greatly underappreciated
Favorite Actresses
Massive crush on Jennifer Beals and Elizabeth Berkley back in the day.
Favorite Artists
I can go from H.R. Giger to Sekhar Roy,, quite varied on the spectrum
Favorite Authors
Shabistari and Sa'adi
Favorite Bands
All over the place; King Diamond, WASP, Motorhead to Sisters of Mercy and Bauhaus
Favorite Books
Gulshan-i-Raz and Bustan come to mind.
Favorite Cities
The Boston metro was once my home, Philly is my adopted home, Toronto and Ottawa are great places to visit. One day I want to go to Seattle.
Favorite Colors
Lapis Lazuli
Favorite Country
America has many issues but I am happy to be an American citizen.
Favorite Drinks
Raspberry Iced Tea, but also I love me a good coffee. Nothing alcoholic.
Favorite Fast Foods
My weakness is fried chicken.
Favorite Comedies
As far as comedies go, Brain Candy, A Fish Called Wanda, Office Space. Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, War of the Roses.
Favorite Dramas
Some more recent entries, The Revenant, There Will Be Blood, Memento
Favorite Horror Movies
Hammer Horror Classics: Vampire Circus, Mark of the Devil, Witchfinder General
Favorite Action Movies
A child of the 80s and 90s, Rapid Fire, Hardware, Nemesis. Late night cable trash
Favorite Quote From A Movie
Just tell it to call you Billie
Favorite TV Comedies
I was raised on Night Court, Perfect Strangers and Happy Days.
Favorite TV Dramas
Twin Peaks and Battlestar Galactica
Favorite Foods
32 Oz Porterhouse.
Favorite Styles Of Music
These days I'm going through a resurgence of Romantic-era classical music
I'm drawn to anything elegant and symmetrical in form and structure
I love astronomy, it reveals the awe and beauty of the universe.
Board Games
Many fond memories of being at my cousin's house playing RISK till 4 am.
These days I mainly weight train and walk on the treadmill or outdoors
Probably the most challenging subject there is and it is my favorite
I have an appreciation for philosophy and find that it helps keep my mind active
Politics is interesting but I won't subsscribe to a doctrine because a lot of it is nonsense.
I was raised in a Muslim home but don't see myself as following very rigidly.
I enjioy walking especially if there's a lot of nice scenery around me
Adventurousness Average
Affectionateness Somewhat Doting
Trustingness Somewhat Skeptical
Confidence Somewhat Humble
Independence Somewhat Independent
Mood Somewhat Chill
Romance Average
Sociability Somewhat Introverted
Thought Process Very Analytical
Tolerance Average
Dress Very Casual
Energy Average
Go Party Rarely
Religion Average
Neatness Not Too Neat
Punctuality Often Early
Spending Average
Work Ethic Driven
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Only if black magic is involved.
How important is someone's physical appearance to you?
When it comes to women, classical beauty is what captivates me the most.
If you could have one super power, what would it be and why?
All power comes from within
What is the purpose of marriage?
Improving the quality of life
What is the most important lesson that you've learned?
Knowing that life is fraught with suffering,, but having the courage to live anyways.
What is the most important thing in a relationship?
Not only finding what you have in common, but discovering that your distinctions compliment each other.
What turns you off?
Narcissistic and sociopathic tendencies.
What turns you on?
A healthy, loving woman who I have confidence in and has confidence in me.
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