We may often ask: How to love without pain? or perhaps- how not to love without remorse? There maybe no good answers --- given that in the realm of emotions, nothing is certain and little is known until it happen. When meeting someone for the first time, we wonder about the Who? Where? Why and How? types of questions. Asking the right questions, at the right time, the right place and for the right reasons is a promising step towards finding the accurate answer/s. Emotions do have their own rules and dynamics. One knows how it feels only when it is actually felt-- kind of like feeling the weather (cold or hot) or loving the other- as strange as it may sound but it can happen. We often try to picture our world in ways that we cannot literally explain -- - but we know it when we feel it. Is it (love) worth the risk though? The answer is i do not know-- as love really means different things for different people. To some, It could be just a waste of time, and to others it may be a beautiful slice of life that is the most "delicious" in the realm of the larger human experience! - At the end, i am at an age where i must be a little more pragmatist than an idealist- i.e. serious hopefully - where i can see the reality the way it is rather than the way i like it to be. ..... Hope the right person will come along -- not a crazy one though.