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The Culture of Arab Women

Learn about the culture of Arab Women, so you can better understand their unique perspectives on life.

ArabLounge Magazine > Lifestyle & Culture| Updated February 16, 2021

Arab Woman

Growing up in a Western society can make it hard for people to comprehend how Arab women are living. There are always different things that are being said about how women are being treated by Arab men. Some are saying that Arab men have hurt them or have not given them the right to live but to become like sexual slaves because women do not have that much privileges. Yet, there are also some people who are saying that Arabian women are supposed to have equal rights as that of her husband because after all, she is one part of a pair. While the right and tradition of an Arab woman may change depending on the place that she has come from, there are several things that are synonymous to Arabian women. Here are some things to know about Arab women culture:

  1. The Religion of an Arab Woman
    In the culture of Arab women; an Arab woman's religion is usually Islam although Arabian women who migrate to other countries may choose to change her religion depending on whether she feels that this is for the best or not. Still, Arabian women are expected to pray five times a day and are required to do some duties and responsibilities related to religion.

  2. Respect and Honor
    According to Arab women's culture the Arabian women should always be respected so they are required to wear clothes that will make them fully clothed. Only the eyes of Arabian women can be seen. If they would show their face in public and will go out of the house with the clothes that Western women usually wear, they might be disrespected as a result. Usually, as Arab women become older, they are more respected because people believe that they have gained wisdom through living the years of their lives.

  3. Private
    Arab women are expected to be private about their family and their personal lives. Unlike in other countries wherein women talk about their lives all the time and relay different events to their peers, Arab women are usually not allowed to say anything. If they do, they will be looked down on by society so this is something that they carefully avoid.

  4. Family Role
    The role of the mother and the father when it comes to Arabs are very different. Women are expected to take care not only of the home but of the kids as well. It is also expected that Arab women will take good care of their husbands. While the culture of Arabian women are very much different from the culture of Westernized women, the differences should always be respected and not ridiculed.

Women in Arab Societies

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